Our Mission Statement:

The Tender Hearts Foundation is the core rudiment to the beginning of a purgation and stepping stone to spreading knowledge, culture, and kindness specifically aimed towards the Nepalese Community. Our main focus is to preserve the Nepali culture within children in the United States to remind them where their true roots lie, to spread education in Nepal to those who don't get the opportunity to learn, and to unite everyone of all ages, from the younger generation to the elderly. Essentially, we have faith that these goals will be achieved, in hopes that in the end we will all have better ourselves, our future generations, and our society.

Without Service, What Are We?

Growing up in Nepal, I learned early on the value behind compassion and service to others. Even at a young age, my mother always taught me to see the good in people and to not be afraid to be the first one to help. Since then, I knew it was my mission in life to do something and create something that did exactly that: serve others.

Tender Hearts Foundation was born out of a combination of things: my love for people, service, and my country. This organization was born out of the belief that no matter where you are or where you come from, you can still preserve your culture and serve it wherever you are. I am proud to be Nepalese and will always wear my country as a badge of honor, no matter what.

I am so proud of all that this foundation has done, and am eager to continue serving my country, my people. I hope it inspires you to do the same, because you can do it. You can do anything. And together, we can bridge the gap in humanity.

Prabha Bhattarai
Founder of Tender Hearts Foundation